Game Development Club at San Jose State University 

Code of Conduct (Fall 2020)


The goal of the Game Development Club at San Jose State University (henceforth referred to as "the club") and its Code of Conduct (henceforth referred to as "the code") is to create a safe, accessible, and fun learning environment for up-and-coming game developers.

Article I - Behavior

  1. Verbal Abuse - In general, be conscious of speech in order to avoid hurting fellow members. The frequent, intentional, anti-constructive, and unwarranted language will not be tolerated. The club supports free speech and will handle all cases uniquely as necessary.

  2. Harassment - Unwarranted or unwanted harassment of any nature will not be tolerated. This includes the following:

    1. Deliberate‭ ‬intimidation,‭ ‬stalking,‭ ‬following‭, or invasive ‬photography‭/recording‭

    2. ‬Continuous disruption‭ ‬of‭ ‬talks‭, presentations, ‬or‭ ‬other‭ ‬events

    3. ‬Inappropriate‭ ‬physical‭ ‬contact

    4. ‬Unwelcome‭ ‬sexual‭ ‬attention

All members are subject to local rules regarding public displays of affection (PDA).

  1. Violence - Do not assault or otherwise bring physical harm to other members.

Article II - Cooperation

  1. Professionalism - Teams within the club are expected to operate in a professional manner. Teams should openly discuss and resolve problems.

  2. Teamwork - Membership for a team is voluntary. Additionally, if a team member no longer desires to be part of a team, s/he bears no obligation to that team.

  3. Joining - For practical reasons, teams of four or more members should take an anonymous and unanimous vote to add an additional member. Teams above four members do not typically survive.

  4. Removal - At times, it will be necessary for a team to remove members. Teams reserve the right to remove their own members by majority vote.

Article III - Inclusion

No individual will be denied membership to the club on the grounds of ‬gender,‭ ‬sexual‭ ‬orientation,‭ age, ‬ability,‭ ‬appearance, ethnicity,‭ national origin, ‬citizenship, socioeconomic‭ ‬status, or‭ ‬religion. Additionally, no team will discriminate against its members on those grounds. The club is a safe space and these rules shall be respected in any club-affiliated area (including online discussion forums and all on- and off-campus events).

Article IV - Infraction

Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in one or more of the following actions. Particular actions will be selected based on the severity of the infraction. Accusations are subject to investigation by the appropriate authorities, as determined by the club advisor and club officers.

  1. Verbal warning

  2. Temporary revocation of membership

  3. Permanent revocation of membership

  4. Recommendation for review with SJSU (For SJSU Students)

  5. Report to legal authorities

Article V - Miscellaneous


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